I just made cinnamon breadsticks today. They sounded yummy and my kids were thrilled with the accompanying hot chocolate! While I was making them, the sun broke out of the clouds. Woot! That wasn't in the forecast, but I'll take it!

I love to bake bread. Nothing spells comfort food to me like homemade, hot bread. The best part about bread though is that you can't really ruin it. It might turn out differently at times, but unless it is irreparably burned, it will work out. (I have burned it to a brick and found that the center was still tender and good.) I've even forgotten to add the yeast and kneaded it in at the last minute, and it still worked! I also love to bake different kinds of breads, including everything from sweet breads to 100% whole wheat bread. I have used hundreds of recipes over the years, and most were approved by my family.
In the last 2 weeks, I have heard a lot of comments like the one I got yesterday regarding another family who was thinking about homeschooling. The well-meaning woman said, "Well, I hope the state has something in place to make sure they do it
right." Interesting thought, that. I couldn't help the thought that ran through my mind: "Do you mean the way Missouri does it, or Kentucky, or maybe Washington or California (her home states)? Perhaps you mean the free Mexican (from Mexico) curriculum Oregon is using for U.S. History or the history books that have been rewritten to eliminate references to deity?"
Back to my bread: there is no one recipe that everyone likes all of the time, but they all work. They all accomplish the same goal of making bread or tossed out if they don't. Just because one recipe works does not mean everyone should do it that way. That would be boring!
So why is it that some public school parents and teachers (and as Mrs. Darling tactfully pointed out, homeschoolers too) are so positive that
their way is the
only way to educate children? Especially when it is so doggoned hard to throw out that which is not working like I have sometimes done with bread dough and curriculum? Or is it that we all need to feel validated by others doing as we do? Wouldn't it be ever so much better if we could just support each other even if we would do it differently?