Saturday, June 28, 2008

Time to change?

I realized tonight that I am in e-mail avoidance. That's where you mentally know you have so many emails that are really important to you to read waiting for you that you don't even glance at it before you swerve away from that area mentally. That's before you even turn on the computer.

That, folks, is the sorry state of my email folder. I'm not talking about the Spam folder (which I don't even glance at anymore with the pornographic first lines that knock them into Spam.)

Here is a snapshot of my Inbox today, first page:
Clothing sales from Chico's, Coldwater Creek,
Other "important" sales notices from Quixtar, Shutterfly, Vitacost, The Christian Home, Barnes and Noble, (I actually buy a lot from B&N, but in the store where I can use my educator's discount)
Notices from the library, church calendar and newsletters
Advice from Ken and Daria Dolan
Items related to homeschooling: TJED in the Midwest email loop, a local homeschooling group list, a Missouri LDS homeschool list, a national LDS homeschool support group newsletter,
Book/news sites that I actually use/buy semi-frequently from such as: LDS Living, Deseret Book, the Hopkins family at
Of course, the occasional concerned email from somebody in Europe somewhere who wants to give me a whole lot of money for a little bit of help from me.

Yesterday, I received several emails from my parents and one from my sister along with comments from nice people who actually read and commented on my blog. Woohoo! But seriously, I delete over half my emails without a second glance. Nine tenths of the rest of it I keep out of guilt! I should be reading them. Like the Dolan newsletter. Who couldn't use some extra financial advice at least once in a while? But 2 or 3 times a week? Even once a week is more than my heart desires. As for the homeschool lists? I'm behind.

Because of the extra bulk, I overlook personal emails because of either the sheer quantity of "other" stuff or my avoidance of going there. Some of those decluttering techniques need to be employed, I fear!

Does anyone else have that feeling that they just want to change email accounts?

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