Lately I have been receiving a catalog called The Classical Teacher: Materials, Methods and Motivation for Classical Education from Memoria Press. I love it! It is more of a magazine than a catalog. They are the home of Latina Christiana: An Introduction to Christian Latin. The articles in it are well written and really good reads. This last one includes History is not Chronological and Can Music Save Your Mortal Soul? (about the effect of music).
Another article is The Civilization that had to Teach Itself with its own Books or How we developed a bad case of amnesia and what can be done about it. The basic idea of it is summed up toward the end of the article: it "is the simple lesson of how much can be learned when on the right road." They are talking about returning to classical education, but isn't that a truism anytime? Their summary says, "Not only do we need to look to our past to find out the best way to educate children, but, in looking to our past, we will find out that looking to our past is the bst way to educate children." Aren't we all children in the eternal scheme?
I don't know what I did to receive these, but whatever it was, I'm glad I did it. I'd love to get the Prima Latina program, but looking ahead at what's coming this year, it isn't in the budget. Which is a pity. So instead, I'm yanking out my college textbooks and reviewing grammar---transitive and intransitive verbs, to be exact.
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