Monday, April 23, 2007


I went to the dentist and my teeth checked out strong. Woohoo! Big relief! I feel like a wet noodle; I am literally exhausted from my worry. It has been three years since I last went to a dentist so I am grateful there were no surprises. The only bad part is that my gums have been receding more so I'm going to need some skin grafts as soon as I can save up the money. In the meantime, I need to be a little kinder in my brushing.

The other great thing was that my kids made all kinds of crafts from various countries today. They ran across an art book in the bookcase and started (and finished) one project after another. We now have Vietnamese lanterns, Indian candles, and I can't remember what all else. Wonderful! I love my kids. They are so resourceful!

As for cooking, I didn't have to make dinner. We went over to Palmer's for Elder Hicken's last dinner there, and I just had to make rolls. Wonderful!!!

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